Easter Song Project by Rockmaster

Easter Song Project by Rockmaster

Learn to play piano accompaniment for Hymns using Piano Chords and Tabs by Rockmaster


Easter Song Project by Rockmaster

All The Way My Savior Leads Me

All Things Bright And Beautiful

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace C

Amazing Grace Eb

Amazing Grace F

Amazing Grace Gb

Blessed Assurance

Down by the Riverside

He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty

How Great Thou Art

In The Garden

It Is No Secret What God Can Do

It Is Well With My Soul

Just A Closer Walk With Thee


My Faith Looks Up to Thee

Precious Lord Take My Hand

Rivers Of Babylon

Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling

Sweet Hour of Prayer

The Old Rugged Cross

Take the Name of Jesus With You

To God Be the Glory

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

What A Mighty God We Serve

Whispering Hope

Yield Not To Temptation


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the Christian and cultural festival. For other uses, see Easter (disambiguation).

Easter[nb 1] (Old English usually Ēastrun-on, or -an; also Ēastru-o; and Ēostre),[1] also called Pasch (derived, through LatinPascha and Greek Πάσχα Paskha, from Aramaicפסחא‎, cognate to Hebrewפֶּסַח‎ Pesaḥ)[nb 2][2][3][4] or Resurrection Sunday,[5][6] is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion by Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD.[7][8] It is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.

The week before Easter is called Holy Week, and it contains the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday, commemorating the Maundy and Last Supper,[9][10] as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus.[11] In western Christianity, Eastertide, the Easter Season, begins on Easter Sunday and lasts seven weeks, ending with the coming of the fiftieth day, Pentecost Sunday. In Orthodoxy, the season of Pascha begins on Pascha and ends with the coming of the fortieth day, the Feast of the Ascension.

Easter and the holidays that are related to it are moveable feasts in that they do not fall on a fixed date in the Gregorian or Julian calendars which follow only the cycle of the sun; rather, its date is determined on a lunisolar calendar similar to the Hebrew calendar. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established two rules, independence of the Jewish calendar and worldwide uniformity, which were the only rules for Easter explicitly laid down by the council. No details for the computation were specified; these were worked out in practice, a process that took centuries and generated a number of controversies. It has come to be the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or soonest after 21 March,[12] but calculations vary in East and West. Details of this complicated computation are found below in the section Date.

Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover by much of its symbolism, as well as by its position in the calendar. In many languages, the words for “Easter” and “Passover” are identical or very similar.[13] Easter customs vary across the Christian world, and include sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greetingclipping the church,[14] and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb.[15][16][17] The Easter lily, a symbol of the resurrection,[18][19] traditionally decorates the chancel area of churches on this day and for the rest of Eastertide.[20] Additional customs that have become associated with Easter and are observed by both Christians and some non-Christians include egg hunting, the Easter Bunny, and Easter parades.[21][22][23] There are also various traditional Easter foods that vary regionally.